Our Story

Approachable Starts - Lasting Impact

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Hi, I’m Ellaine.

I am wrapped up in Jesus. I am an author. I am a speaker. I am an evangelist.

There’s not much you need to know. Honestly, though. The books I write are about Jesus and that’s who I consistently want to point people towards.

If you’re really curious, I guess I would have you know I love the water, specifically inland lakes, most specifically, Bass Lake in National City Michigan. I love boating and skiing and kneeboarding and swimming.

I would also have you know I love coffee. Not in the pretentious way, just in the dirty diner, keep my cup full, hot, and black kind of way.

I’d have you know I stand for all the things Jesus did, not some. So yes, justice should be pursued. Yes, lives should be protected. Yes, Black Lives are Valuable. Yes, that last sentence needs extra attention until the world operates that way. Yes, women can and should preach and teach entire congregations.

I’m increasingly invested in making sure children know those things which is why you are seeing a series born.

I hope you’ll join me in this journey through books and what you and your children will learn from them. Everything is more fun in good company.

Interview with Chandler Bolt of Self Publishing School

Curious how I got my books to where they are? Here is an interview that will help you to write your book. If you’re interested in the program I used go to self-publishingschool.com/childrens